Thread: What Video Game Are You Playing right Now?

I would've played further into Uncharted 3 if it hadn't been for all the spiders!

I haven't played a video game in a month, and won't be until summer starts.
I figure that I'll just focus on school for now and then play games then.
It's also like how they say that "absence makes the heart grow fonder." I think it's the same way with video games and music. The more you abstain from it the more fun you'll have when you finally get around to it.

How on earth can I be playing video games If I'm on Ratchet galaxy right now? emoji emoji LOL

How on earth can I be playing video games If I'm on Ratchet galaxy right now? emoji emoji LOL

Before you get on, when you get off or while your on Ratchet Galaxy (multi-tasking)

Dude, I knew that, Just showing a bit of humour though but anyway

I was playing Infamous 2 earlier and I absolutely loved it. everything's just epic about the game like, the storyline, the music, the trophies and the graphics. I especially like the music because the music gives the game a bit more expression to it. If you haven't played any of the Infamous series, buy it!

With the recent updates and new information to the upcoming remake, I've decided to go back to playing through some of the original "Half-Life" from 1998, I never actually completed that game! xD

I'm playing infamous 2, it is great. The storyline is insane, and there are so many missions… I really like it.

i just started playing Psychonauts from the Humble Indie Bundle V, it looks really promising

A few. In the first place I'm replaying the Ratchet & Clank Future games to celebrate the 10th Anniversary, second I'm playing Starwing Competition (Super Nintendo) which I got today for passing my exams emoji

In LBP I created something I call a Randomiser. (I say I call it this because back in 2010 before LBP2, I created a program on Scratch that would select what I should play from a list of games, and what to do in it, I called it the Randomiser!) So I made the Randomiser in LBP2, though Mm's Randomiser wasn't random enough, so I threw some timers and counters in, to make it extra random. and it has been telling me what I should play, and weather I should start a new game (or If I already had a new game, to load it) or play my 100% save (or in LBP's case, play story or go to create)

Ultimate way to either get sick of all your games, or never get sick of your games!

Though lately It's been telling me to go on ToD a lot… (3 times in a row!)

Interesting idea!

Just got home from driving practice, and now I'm playing QFB, my favorite!!emoji

Just got home from driving practice, and now I'm playing QFB, my favorite!!emoji

Good to hear that someone prefers QfB over all the others!

thnx. I personally like pirates over ninjas, honestly. I mean…CANNONS!!!! emoji And a crew that wants to drag you to the bottom of the ocean to make you one of their crew. But no biggie…right? emoji

I get that. Quest for Booty is one of my favorite games.