I agree. A lot of kids I've seen try to impress me by saying "Yo, I have Call of Duty: Black Oops. Best game ever!" and this is a second grader O_O. They can be quite annoyning and I am around them most of the time. That's why me and my friends dislike the fact some parents don't give a $h!t that their children are playing M for Mature games and even Adults only game 0_o.
Moving on, though, does it annoy any of you guys when some people say Ratchet and Clank is "childish and kiddy" and not worth their time and they say it's for "everybody", it's for TEENS. I get so mad when people say that! Play the game before you judge it!
Yeah, it can be the same thing about having your kids having their own Facebook account. I'm sorry, but an 8 year old having it's own FB page is a sign to pedophiles coming to your page (if it is not set up in a private setting).
And speaking of FaceBook… that is one site I am really annoyed by. It's not how the site is running because to be honest, Facebook can be useful at times such as finding friends or family you haven't seen in years. And of course, making invitations to an event like a birthday party and so.
My only problem with it, is that people you become friends with B.S. a lot of times. I hate it when you want to get together with someone, but you see them responding to other people's messages and completely ignoring yours. This is why I don't check my FB account because with all the B.S. you get from friends or even family members on the site and that it is completely boring. That is why I text people, call or use MSN to talk to people.
Most people I know lacks communication or just completely B.S. their way out from an event they got invited to. Which by the way is another thing that annoys me the most. People who are in their 20's can be pretty childish sometimes.
People do judge things right away and don't acknowledge that the game isn't for everyone. Also because some people don't read the ESRB rating sometimes. So whatever they see something cartoony, people think that it is for everyone. I can see where you're getting at and I do agree that it can be frustrating sometimes, but unfortunately we cannot please everyone with the things we like.
On the plus side, at least Ratchet and Clank's ESRB rating didn't get too many uproars for it's mischief and some unsuitable content unlike Conker's Bad Fur Day, which parents did complain afterward that a cartoony game has so much swearing and violence.
…yeah, I think parents would have the knowledge that when they see the warning disclaimer at the bottom of the cover saying "This game is NOT for anyone under 17", they would know that this game is not for kids at all. That's why a lot of stuff got censored in the Remake version for the XBox.