Thread: Who or what do you think is annoying?


2)seizure inducing flashy Gif images

like these emoji
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I hate them so much. emoji

3)Oh and FURRIES.
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Deleted user

Yay! porygon gives people siezures AGAIN! lie- actually the first time it was pikachu. if you dont know what i mean:

anyway, furries ARE anoying. I have a character named Insomnia that wasnt meant to be a furry at ALL (i can show you once i get a copyright) and i had a whole batch of b*$%#y JB and twilight fangirls saying he was "Jacob sexy". POOR INSOMNIA!!!!! they scarred me for life. emoji

You want to know what's really annoying? Internet ads! I HATE ads! especially those that start playing sound without warning, and the ones on YouTube that play before some of the videos.

)Oh and FURRIES.

I realise that in saying this I may wind up sounding like the biggest idiot on the internet but…what in the name of all that is sweet and holy is a furry? Everyone keeps slagging them but I have no idea what they are!


Not all furries are bad, only the ones who have screwed up fetishes and 'play around' in fur suits (I have no problem with those along you aren't doing anything NSFW in them). Otherwise,I have nothing wrong with them or half of the fandom. The other half…let's just say this: Yiff, n'said.


Not all furries are bad, only the ones who have screwed up fetishes and 'play around' in fur suits (I have no problem with those along you aren't doing anything NSFW in them). Otherwise,I have nothing wrong with them or half of the fandom. The other half…let's just say this: Yiff, n'said.

and that true plus (not pointing fingers) but most of us here are furries or not but like SweetT said not all of them are bad.

Deleted user

)Oh and FURRIES.

I realise that in saying this I may wind up sounding like the biggest idiot on the internet but…what in the name of all that is sweet and holy is a furry? Everyone keeps slagging them but I have no idea what they are!

Furries is pretty much people who are literally in love with animals with fur. They want to be a animal themselves, but still wanting their human qualities too. Some furry fans would be inspired by anthropomorphic characters and design, starting with such cartoon classics from Looney Tunes or Disney for example. The other half however, are just creepy overall. Where they want to dress up like a furry mascot in public or be fantasized by images of furry pornography.

That is basically what a furry is.

I like anthropomorphic characters, but more in a drawing inspiring way and not the bad disturbing side like you see in so much Sonic the Hedgehog fan-art for instance.

)Oh and FURRIES.

I realise that in saying this I may wind up sounding like the biggest idiot on the internet but…what in the name of all that is sweet and holy is a furry? Everyone keeps slagging them but I have no idea what they are!

Pretty much what Tipsy said..In all honesty I myself have a furaffinity account and most of humor generated against them are by furries themselves for more information theres Wikipedia as well as encyclopedia dramatica

seizure inducing flashy Gif images

Do you get seizures?

Why no I do not

You want to know what's really annoying? Internet ads! I HATE ads! especially those that start playing sound without warning, and the ones on YouTube that play before some of the videos.

Just so you know theres a ad block feature on Mozilla Firefox

Deleted user

I don't know if I've mentioned this previously, but I think he's the most annoying abomination in the entire world.

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You can say how much annoying Beiber is, but I think Crazy Frog tops it off for having the most obnoxious songs ever, especially when a lot of its songs are remakes of music that I grew up with aka Queen.

This may sound weird,but I thought the dog from Duck Hunt was downright annoying. No one likes to get laughed at,especially by an 8-bit dog.

I find text language quite irritating.
(U no, the stuff, wit abbreviations n tat like wot I doing now in dis sentence)

what annoys me is when someone has a go at you for no reason and you wasn't even talking to that person who has a go at you like I had from a comment on Tipsy's Cwazy Cinema 7 today emoji


I really do hope you don't mean all.

Also, flies annoy me for the simple fact that they are probably one of the biggest trolls in the known world.