Thread: New or Old Look?

for the past few years,I've been playing the old R&C games (R&C,R&C:GC,R&C:UYA,DL)
when i look at the new ratchet and new clank from R&CF,i don't really like the new look.
Ratchet is too smooth.He has fur so he needs to be furry.His eye brows are also too thick,or thicker than before.His eyes are wider and bigger too,before it was more cool and closed in and angry looking.
Clank doesn't have that much of a difference,i really don't mind.
I like the old version of Ratchet's look.

What do you think?
Does ratchet and/or clank look better now?
Or did Ratchet and/or clank look better before?

please tell the reasons of why you choose your answer-(optional)

Deleted user

To be honest i loved the older games better, i'd like all the new games remade with the old models and SD graphics, yeah i said it remade in SD, Clank looks pretty much the same, i miss the old ratchet

i miss the old ratchet emoji

Deleted user

*Pats glitch king on the back and starts crying* I miss the old ratchet too buddy, i do too

if RG goes back to the Insomniac Games,they should ask why did they change the look.
the old look was perfect!
things will just never be the same…emoji

Deleted user

I know

The changes to Ratchet's appearance over the course of R&C1 to CIT were relatively minor compared to his redesign in All4One, but even so, the All4One redesign wasn't that drastic, and even so, there was reasoning behind it. I personally prefer the characteristics of his face structure in CIT, e.g. smaller pupils, more prominent cheekbones and shape of nose bone (or whatever you call it). But I don't mind the bigger ears, hands and feet.

Crash of the Titans, on the other hand…

I like Ratchet & Clank on the PS3 the most, Ratchet still has fur, and I like the design changes, Ratchet looks much more believable on the PS3, and I can assure you I'm not one of those people that goes around hating old stuff, as I still really like the old games (I'm saving up for Crash Bandicoot 2 and 3, cant say I dont like old stuff emoji )

A4O Ratchet is actually my favourate Ratchet emoji

actually,the bigger hands and feet in ratchet and the clank-being-bigger thing in All4One is like that because the people in Insomniac wanted the characters to stand-out more so that you see them [move] better.

well,i don't really hate the look
it looks cool! (i just like the old version better)emoji
and the game is fun too!emoji
but like i said,the old version looks better to meemoji
but i can't make you pick,so i respect your decision.emoji

Deleted user

Oh don't get me started of crash of the titans or the new Spyros*vomits*
I don't think im getting all for one sadly, because it seems like to much of a steer away from what i loved


You right for half cause only R&C:ACIT and R&C:A40 was how you described them.

I liked the

Graphic of R&C:ToD and R&C:QoB

Deleted user

It's all about taste and what people prefer for design, though there are reasons why game developers decide to make changes on a franchise whether it is consistent to the gameplay or just a change of look rather than sticking with the same design.

Personally, it doesn't matter which appearance I prefer from the Ratchet and Clank franchise. Sometimes I go for the old PS2 look, while other times I go for the PS3 look. However, I do like how Insomniac are always trying something new with the designs for Ratchet and Clank and not sticking with the same look over again. I know change is a word that people don't like, but in my opinion the PS3 appearances and character designs (even All 4 One) is an exception. I like both, though I would say I'll put a point up for the PS3 games in the design category. I prefer the graceful animations and vibrant look of the Ratchet and Clank universe from the PS3 titles.

I really liked the look of the Acit Ratchet, but the Gameplay was just not Ratchet and clank. So, in my opinion, Ratchet and clank Tod is my favorite Ratchet and clank, it has the Gameplay and design of my fav Ps2 Game: Ratchet and clank 3 emoji

And besides, the music was from David Bergaud, not that i dont like the music of Boris, but i just think that Davids music fits perfectly to R&C.

And another thing: Why did they have to take out the wall jump? I loved the Wall jump sound!emoji

I like the R&CF style most. Ratchet looks awesome there in my opinion. I also like his A4O design. But the PS2 style of Ratchet is fine with me as well. But if I'd really have to choose, it'd be first R&CF, then A4O and then PS2. I like the details they've added to Ratchet on the PS3 (fur, better shape of head etc..)