Thread: Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus

Can't believe I'm saying it, but good. I wouldn't want them to conclude everything from the Future Saga at once in a game shoter than ACiT. Haven't had the change to finish watching the podcast yet, I'm missing out on a lot of stuff apperently…

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Yeah, if Ratchet ever does find his fellow Lombaxes, I would want it to be in a game that rivals ACiT. At least in length.

Indeed. Its simply too good a story to rush. Besides, I haven't see any Ratchet since ACiT that rivals that game. Not even Nexus, not yet at least.

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For some reason, seeing the box makes me want the game more. Just a few more…months 'til I get mah new R&C fix.

I'm really glad I'm bussy with another video game franchise I love. Kills the waiting time emoji

Insomniac said that until they say anything, nothing is official.

I do however want this on Vita SO BAD!

It would be great on Vita. Last night I played some PS Allstars on my bed when I couldn't sleep, can't do that with a PS3 :P

I think that Rayman and LBP are perfect examples of how the Vita is a really really really awesome console!

The only time I play games now, is on my Vita. I can never get the time to play PS3 or PC games, but the Vita can be played anywhere, so when I'm at school or on the bus I can get my game playing in!

I knew it! I just had a feeling Tara Strong wouldn't be voicing her, and I was right!..
I guess she's too busy at the moment with things like "My Little Pony", "Teen Titans Go!", and goodness knows how many other projects she's been involved in. OR, maybe IG don't have as much budget as in previous games; since Tara Strong is quite a popular voice actor, she's probably quite expensive to hire and IG knew they should keep their VO budget for their regulars like J.A.T, David Kaye and Jim Ward, since they've all been in the franchise since forever and it would probably have been a bigger loss if they hadn't brought back any of them…

I don't know if either of these theories are true - it's just aimless speculation as to potential reasons why she isn't coming back for "Into the Nexus", but, whatever the actual reason, I hope the new Voice Actor lives up to the standards set by the Ratchet fandom - let's not forget from how poorly A4O and FFA were received, that many people in this fandom can be very nitpicky…

Ali Hillis is top of the list. Lightning, Liara. I will miss Strong, but its a good trade. Gotta love Hillis!!

I think she will stand up to the standards emoji Before this tweet I though that Talwyn is voiced by Tara Strong - and I saw the no-commentary gameplay of planet Yerek. Of course there are some fans that will hate her just because she's not named Tara Strong. Well, I would do so about JAT, David Kaye or Jim Ward.

Before this tweet I thought that Talwyn is voiced by Tara Strong - and I saw the no-commentary gameplay of planet Yerek.

Just looked that up myself! It does sound remarkably like Tara! It does sound a bit different, but the only reason I noticed that was because I was listening out specifically for differences, so all in all, it's not going to detract from players' experiences like some other voice actor replacements I've encountered in the past have…

Actually I don't think I will mind, even if she sounds a bit different. There's two voice actors I buy games for and those are Jennifer Hale (known from FemShep, Samus and who the heck not) and may the other be Ali Hillis. Thats +1 for Nexus!