Okay, here it is, final game on the left, beta on the right:

The animation and character models are exactly the same in both builds. But as you can notice, Nebulox's much (MUCH) more detailed in the final build, except for the moment, when they're talking to Talwyn - in the beta you can see some damaged parts of the ship, that are not present in the new version. Both cutscenes are differently rendered - the beta's got some additional visual effects, while the final version lakcs them. But when I look at these pictures… I think it's good they got rid of it, the beta's just more shiny… Too shiny actually. While it makes the holograms and metal look much better (look at Clank), there's just too much bloom, everything's annoyingly shiny. I don't think deep space is that bright. So, I gotta admit - despite making Clank look like he's made of paper, the final render is better.