It's not on PC, you'll need to get it on PS3. Don't worry the PS3 version is great, and virtually bug free.
If you don't want to sink too much money into it you should try and rent it or get one that has been pre-owned.
I wonder if it's possible to get some pre-owned, if yes, developers failed.
(I didn't really play GTA much…
Yea but it's all down to the publishers, and publishers are powerless to stop it (Look at Xbox One)
It's not on PC, you'll need to get it on PS3. Don't worry the PS3 version is great, and virtually bug free.
If you don't want to sink too much money into it you should try and rent it or get one that has been pre-owned.
It's coming out in 2014, so i'm gonna download it then, and if i like it, i'm gonna buy it for PS3, cause I don't like playing illegally downloaded games… Games are the only 'media' things I want to pay for.
Agreed. Videogame piracy is never right. Heck videoes and music are also just as wrong, but because I don't listen to much music and watch many movies I'm more concerned by game piracy.