Today I finished Knack and all I have to say is that it's a fun platformer and a great co-op game (I played it all the way through with my brother). It also has good replay value because it lets you keep the collectibles you gathered, so you can collect even more and unlock new powers.
What I don't find appealing are the character models (especially the humans). I'm not going to complain about the cartoonish art style (although I could…
, but the blandness and the uhhhhhh…. It just gives me the impression I'm watching one of those little kids cartoons on Disney Junior…
To sum up, the gameplay is fun, but the cutscenes are "uhhhhh" (yeah, that's the appropriate word
Oh, and just now I received a Mark of Excellence for my Crusader SP in WoT (I'm so proud of my white stripe, I just had to brag somewhere about it, sorry)