Finished Rise of the Tomb Raider. Now I'm sad and don't know what to do with my life anymore…. I guess that's a good sign. I enjoyed it very much. The gameplay was spiced up a bit, the cutscenes were fantastic and the story had enough gaps to fill in with collectable journals. Overal a great game, but it drowns in the shadow of it predecessor: Tomb Raider 9. That game is the true image of a perfect video game. It crossed the line so many times and from the beginning on.
I had to play Rise on my borrowed 360 and it was obvious that the best is yet to come. This was but a glimpse of what the PS4 version will be like, a preview one might say. I truly can't wait for the PS4 version in a year. The pre-rendered cutscenes will blend with the game, making you wonder if it's in-game or not. The look outs and lighting will be so gorgeous!
Rise may not have kicked TR9 of its holy throne, but it will receive a second chance on 13/12/2016. I'm already counting down. Damn you Microsoft, damn you.
My once beautiful collection is now ruined.