Thread: Really Random thread, hmm?

Well it's the surefire way to make it?

EDIT: Also, Heather, how can that trailer get you so hyped? It didn't have any game graphics until like halfway in, and even then it was just (possibly pre-rendered) graphics of space. But I guess all you need to keep you going is Shepard's voice and the knowledge that the ME series is still set in space emoji

This is literally the first I have heard of this new ME game named "Andromeda". And from the title alone that would suggest they are ditching our beloved Milky Way for our grand old neighbor. Sounds like a pretty nice premise for a next-gen sequel. In other semi-related news I have played a few more hours of Mass Effect in the weekend. I am still on the same planet I first landed on (and didn't immediately ditch) since the game went open to me. It would appear there is quite a bit of depth to these different locations. I just hope I can hurry it up and get on with the story at some point. But I guess I play at my own pace, really.

And as for the topic of the Xbox 360… they aren't that bad. At least they were semi-affordable at launch. (is that really the best compliment I can come up with? …I guess so)

If I told you everything… you wouldn't like me anymore (ME spoilers = death penalty). But let's just say it fu**g amazing they used Jennifer Hale for the trailer and not Mark Meer. Cause BroShep is just some dude I've never met, with Jennifer Hale it's up close and personal. A character I've spend over a thousand hours with. ^^
I hate to say it, don't ask me why. Don't Google it. But before you play Mass Effect 3, download the free Extended Cut from PSN. It's a patch of some sorts.

That must be the result of NZ internet, Andromeda is hotter than hot!

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You mean you're on a random planet that isn't part of the plot. Keep an eye on your journal, it will show all you're missions and places you need to go to advance the sotry emoji

I want a 360 of my own one day (already own all the games I wanna play on it, haha). I actually planned to buy a new one this year, but then my neighbour offered me his to borrow for Rise. I'll ust get a used one for like €30 next year. Fleamarket or something.

If I told you everything… you wouldn't like me anymore (ME spoilers = death penalty). But let's just say it fu**g amazing they used Jennifer Hale for the trailer and not Mark Meer. Cause BroShep is just some dude I've never met, with Jennifer Hale it's up close and personal. A character I've spend over a thousand hours with. ^^
I hate to say it, don't ask me why. Don't Google it. But before you play Mass Effect 3, download the free Extended Cut from PSN. It's a patch of some sorts.

I will not try to pry any plot details out of you. That would ruin the fun of playing the games. And yes, I will get right on that extended thingy just as soon as I am ready for ME3. Look at me, I don't have to get all hyped about the latest game that isn't out yet for several months to come! (This exact thing happened with MGSV. It was announced, I started playing the games, and I finished the games with only about a year remaining before The Phantom Pain would come out.

That must be the result of NZ internet, Andromeda is hotter than hot!

Maybe someone down here broke the internet?

You mean you're on a random planet that isn't part of the plot. Keep an eye on your journal, it will show all you're missions and places you need to go to advance the sotry emoji

I think it's a part of the plot. There sure are a lot of missions here. It is all coming down to this Thorian thing, and I think I am getting to the end of this planet with these Creepers. But man are these grenades hard to use! But I will get through it. I have been through harder. Resistance 2 - OMQWTFBBQ

I want a 360 of my own one day (already own all the games I wanna play on it, haha). I actually planned to buy a new one this year, but then my neighbour offered me his to borrow for Rise. I'll ust get a used one for like €30 next year. Fleamarket or something.

I have a slight little part of me that is a little curious about Halo a tiny little wee bit. But besides that I can't see much reason for me to ever need an Xbox 360.

I envy you Ruler! But… no problem. I'm still as excited about replaying ME Trilogy as I was when I first played it. Still, late 2016 is a long way down. I expect it to arrive early 2017 though.

Ha, that's actually really funny. My mum actually did something like that. I heard her swear from downstairs so I came down and saw her on her laptop and I asked: ''What's wrong?''. Her answer was:
''I want to get on the internet, but all I get is Google! >: (''
''Mother, Google is the internet!''

Ah, gotcha. I know where you are. On my last playthough I figued out there is another way to stun people (not kill them).

Secret text - use the above button to reveal

First, order your squad to stay back. Waaaay back. If you run out of grenades, hit people with your fists.

Yeah, those are the ones I have! Along with some Rareware games. I'm curious about it too. It's a sci-fi game, it has a good story… should be good right?

I envy you Ruler! But… no problem. I'm still as excited about replaying ME Trilogy as I was when I first played it. Still, late 2016 is a long way down. I expect it to arrive early 2017 though.

Well I would rather see the game get delayed than brought forward. I mean going back to MGSV:TPP, that game was delayed heaps, and it was still not finished. I would have loved to see that game release in 2016 or even 2017 if it could mean the series gets to end in a massive bang after 30 long years of incredible games.

Ha, that's actually really funny. My mum actually did something like that. I heard her swear from downstairs so I came down and saw her on her laptop and I asked: ''What's wrong?''. Her answer was:
''I want to get on the internet, but all I get is Google! >: (''
''Mother, Google is the internet!''

Yea my mum is quite bad with the internet, although not that bad. Mine just clicks on everything, and wrecks her browser by covering literally at least half the screen in toolbars. Se also jammed it with all sorts of useless 3rd party software, much of it downloaded with the intention of fixing slowdown problems. She eventually gave up and decided she couldn't do computers, so got a PS4, and decided it would probably stand a better chance of not breaking. Apparently PCs are not unser friendly, and are very unreliable.

Ah, gotcha. I know where you are. On my last playthough I figued out there is another way to stun people (not kill them).

Secret text - use the above button to reveal

First, order your squad to stay back. Waaaay back. If you run out of grenades, hit people with your fists.

Ah, yea I considered bashing them to stun them, but I decided against it out of fear of screwing everything up. Although I don't see why I should get the squad to stay back? They are usually quite harmless.

Yeah, those are the ones I have! Along with some Rareware games. I'm curious about it too. It's a sci-fi game, it has a good story… should be good right?

I played Halo 1 on PC, and it control a heck of a lot like Resistance: Fall of Man. It's a good game and the scale of everything is quite well laid out. But most of what I understand of the series was told to me by a friend of mine. The games have some deep lore in them, by the looks of it. I will say no more… partially because I don't really know much more. But Bungie are a great game developer, and Destiny is a solid FPS with a story that could have been awesome if the company wasn't (seemingly) wrecked during development of Destiny.

I think 2016 is still too close for something as huge as ME. Dragon Age: Origins took 1 entire year just to figure out the lore and story. Now Mass Effect is already established, but I don't think it was in developement before 2012. Maybe with a skeleton crew and no story.

Yea, browsing with a console seems safer for mums. And of course you can play with the new expensive toy too ^^

When I do the Feros mission it's like:
''Sorry, commander. I missed and my projectiles flew the wrong direction''
*reloads latest save*

I've played bits and pieces of the first and second game on the original Xbox. When I finish Knights II, I'm probably going to restart the first game so I can have the complete experience when I play Halo 3. People hate the 343 games, but I actually think Halo 4 will become my favorite. It looks the coolest and.. well.. Jennifer Hale voices Sarah Palmer. I shall say no more.

As an Indonesian, learning Dutch

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I think 2016 is still too close for something as huge as ME. Dragon Age: Origins took 1 entire year just to figure out the lore and story. Now Mass Effect is already established, but I don't think it was in developement before 2012. Maybe with a skeleton crew and no story.

Oh I get where you are coming from. When LittleBigPlanet 3 was announced I was very skeptical of the crew working on it, and it's very short development time. It wasn't until the game actually released that I came to realise Sony do not care about LBP anymore emoji

Yea, browsing with a console seems safer for mums. And of course you can play with the new expensive toy too ^^

My mum does not do games. It saddens me to see that she doesn't have a chance in this modern age of gaming emoji

Nightmare fuel:

Secret text - use the above button to reveal

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Nightmare fuel:

Secret text - use the above button to reveal

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Finding Dory Trailer!

Well Finding Nemo was pretty great. I doubt this will be better, but I guess we will fin out when this movie releases.

Finding Dory Trailer!

Does Dory say "Give me a ratchet wrench so I can fix it" at 0:50? What a coincidence! emoji

Finding Dory Trailer!

Does Dory say "Give me a ratchet wrench so I can fix it" at 0:50? What a coincidence! emoji

Oooh, good find! Do you think that was intentional?

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