Ice Age 1 was pretty great. I can't remember anything from the second movie, and the 3rd and 4th I didn't even know existed. And I have little interest in this 5th movie, sadly.
EDIT: Also, Heather, how can that trailer get you so hyped? It didn't have any game graphics until like halfway in, and even then it was just (possibly pre-rendered) graphics of space. But I guess all you need to keep you going is Shepard's voice and the knowledge that the ME series is still set in space
This is literally the first I have heard of this new ME game named "Andromeda". And from the title alone that would suggest they are ditching our beloved Milky Way for our grand old neighbor. Sounds like a pretty nice premise for a next-gen sequel. In other semi-related news I have played a few more hours of Mass Effect in the weekend. I am still on the same planet I first landed on (and didn't immediately ditch) since the game went open to me. It would appear there is quite a bit of depth to these different locations. I just hope I can hurry it up and get on with the story at some point. But I guess I play at my own pace, really.
And as for the topic of the Xbox 360… they aren't that bad. At least they were semi-affordable at launch. (is that really the best compliment I can come up with? …I guess so)