Thread: Top 10 Female Chars (Woman's Day)

Alright, gimmme a top 10 female healers then:oui:

#10: Princess Peach (Mario RPG)
#9: Nurse Joy (Pokémon)
#8: Great Fairy (The Legend of Zelda)
#7: Cream the Rabbit (Sonic Chronicles)
#6: Cinnamon (Megaman X Command Mission)
#5: White Mage (Final Fantasy I-III)
#4: Rosa (Final Fanasy IV)
#3: Yukiko (Persona 4)
#2: Girl (Secret of Mana)
#1: Aerith/Aeris (Final Fantasy VII)

Ah, you were right.

Are we forgetting Elena Fisher? I know the picture is a little too big.
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They scared me at first in Uncharted 2 when she didn't show up until a ways through the game. I thought it was one of those Indiana Jones things where there is a new girl every time. But Thank God she turned up!

Referring back to HeatherGrace's first list, I will say I was excited to see Talwyn make a comeback in "Into the Nexus." And I like Carmelita.

I also like female villains be it from a video game, book, movie, or any other fictional work. Sometimes my top favorite villains are women.


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Callisto from Xena! … Even though I've never watched Xena I still have a general idea of her backstory. I would hope that makes up for it. emoji

In numerous fictions here are some of my top female villain favorites:
These are from the top of my head for right now.

User image The White Witch from C.S.Lewis' "the Chronicles of Narnia."
User image Lady Macbeth from William Shakespeare's "Macbeth."
User image The Contessa, Countess of Prague from "Sly Cooper: Band of Thieves."

There are more but it's 3:00am over here.

The Contessa is very, very cool!

Vendra Prog - R&C: Nexus
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Jihl Nabaat - Final Fantasy XIII
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Ravenna - Snow White & the Huntsman
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Jane - Twilight Saga
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Elle Driver - Kill Bill
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I'd like to add a few ladies form animation movies:

Elsa - Frozen
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Tigress - Kung Fu Panda
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That really is a 'few'… they are actually the only 2 female characters from animation movies I truly loved.

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You don't love this one?

To HeatherGrace: I didn't even think of Vendra right off. I'd add her to my honorable mentions.
Ravenna was also a good villain. Jane…my favorite scene from the Twilight Saga was when she

was about to die haha, though I know it was all just a vision. I don't know if that coincides with the books or not. She would just make me mad.

And I haven't seen "Frozen" yet either, but I want to.

To Darkstar: That was quite unexpected.

Don't even know her. I'm guessing Kuzco or maybe El Dorado.
Agreed on Jane btw, was my favorite moment too!

Saw Frozen yesterday. Came out in 2013 and wasn't best year to do 'fun' things so I missed it. But in the mean time I'd listened to 'Let it Go' for over a thousand times. Someone asked me if I liked Lovato or Menzel's version better and immidiatly YouTubed the original from the movie. The first little animation already got me hooked up and the song + animations pretty much said what the movie was about. So got the BluRay, had a friend over… it was awesome. My new favorite CG movie!

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Cynder from the Legend of Spyro trilogy.

Don't even know her. I'm guessing Kuzco or maybe El Dorado.
Agreed on Jane btw, was my favorite moment too!

Saw Frozen yesterday. Came out in 2013 and wasn't best year to do 'fun' things so I missed it. But in the mean time I'd listened to 'Let it Go' for over a thousand times. Someone asked me if I liked Lovato or Menzel's version better and immidiatly YouTubed the original from the movie. The first little animation already got me hooked up and the song + animations pretty much said what the movie was about. So got the BluRay, had a friend over… it was awesome. My new favorite CG movie!

She is from "Road to El Dorado." It's been a long time since I've seen that movie.

I see you watched Frozen and on that day you logged on to add Elsa to your list. haha
When I first heard about the movie months before its release to theaters I thought it wasn't going to be that good, maybe because the early trailers downplayed the actual movie. I am waiting to see Frozen for when either one of my female friends wants me to sit down and watch it with them or when it comes on TV. I guess around here it's not really expected for a guy to want to see Frozen. But if it's a good movie it's a good movie. I heard a segment of Lovato's version of "Let it Go" but I thought I'd wait to hear the original version when watching the movie…you know, for the 'magic.'

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Cynder from the Legend of Spyro trilogy.

Cynder also left my mind when I was trying to think. I think she should have had more lines in "A New Beginning." I will say that I liked the contrast between her and Spyro, them being somewhat opposites. Maybe you could start a new thread for Spyro. I will say that I've only played the Legend trilogy, though.

Correct. Thought after Elsa I should be able to think of a few other awesome CG movie women… guess I was wrong.
Elsa is awesome though. I always have a soft spot for the girls with a curve. emoji

Never seen El Dorado, but i do have nostalgic memories of it. Used to be a commercial with that 'some day out of the blue' song on every VHS tape I watched. Though I never got to see the actual movie.

I don't care if I'm late.

GLaDOS, Nurse Shannon, Ashelin Praxis, Meryl Silverburgh, Lucy Kuo, Wendy Testaburger, Lucy Willing, Ly, Chloe Frazer, Debra.