Thread: ACiT Plot Hole Thread

Aha… so with portal you are concious of the fact you have traveled back in time, the time traveler(s) at least. Whereas the Orvus chamber completely changes the present into non-exsistence. While the portals time periods co-exist until the traveler travels back to the future.

Ugh… they should've used dimension jumping instead of time travelling if they REALLY wanted to keep the portals in.

You mean alternate universes? Now that reminds me of the Fringe tv-series. There's 2 known alternate universes and of each person there's 2. Yet they make different choices and turn out as different people, with the same body. What about the choices they make about their lovedones? Maybe one has a baby with a different man? Different genes, different face. So that's impossible and don't give me the story about true love, cause that's not like JJ Abrams.

Maybe the time portals are safer because they take only Ratchet and Clank back it time. The lever in the Orvus chamber takes the entire universe with it. Maybe because both realities co-exsist there's no time missing, just filled in different?

Or maybe it's because the time travel story arc is poorly executed… Well, at least it's still better than TiT emoji

How about this theory:

We know that the Zoni are capable of time-travelling of their own accord and that the Clock was built because the time continuum was "wearing thin" and the Clock would maintain the timestream and the Zoni are still capable of time travel without many consequences.
So what if Sigmund makes the time-portals out of pure Zoni energy (possibly from the Zoni Ratchet has in the collector), which allows the Clock to stabilize them, as they come from an exterior source, but when the Clock itself has to alter time, it does not have enough power resources to alter time and maintain it simultaneously…

I still think we're doing overinterpretations now…

We're just trying to save the plot here!

We're just trying to save the plot here!

To be honest, it doesn't really need saving. It is still a good story… And an incredible story for a platformer game (imagine something like that ten years earlier). It has it's flaws, but trying to fix them with overinterpretations and complex fan theories will just make it too complicated (besides, I don't find these arguements really appealing…emoji. The truth is IG didn't really think about time travel logic that much… They sacrafised it for the sake of gameplay.

Agreed on every word.

How about this theory:

We know that the Zoni are capable of time-travelling of their own accord and that the Clock was built because the time continuum was "wearing thin" and the Clock would maintain the timestream and the Zoni are still capable of time travel without many consequences.
So what if Sigmund makes the time-portals out of pure Zoni energy (possibly from the Zoni Ratchet has in the collector), which allows the Clock to stabilize them, as they come from an exterior source, but when the Clock itself has to alter time, it does not have enough power resources to alter time and maintain it simultaneously…

The overusage of time portals (before the Clock existed) was what destroyed the Universe, soooo no?

(imagine something like that ten years earlier).

We don't need to because it already exists, it's called Sonic Adventure 2.

(imagine something like that ten years earlier).

We don't need to because it already exists, it's called Sonic Adventure 2.

I know you don't like ACiT, but comparing it to Adventure 2 is a little bit too much.

(imagine something like that ten years earlier).

We don't need to because it already exists, it's called Sonic Adventure 2.

I know you don't like ACiT, but comparing it to Adventure 2 is a little bit too much.

SA2 has had a great story until people ripped it apart by pointing out various plot holes, so it's basically the same thing.
I can say that I enjoy SA2's story… I don't like the animations and sound mixing, but I like the story.

I can say that I enjoy SA2's story… I don't like the animations and sound mixing, but I like the story.

Maria… You know Adventure 2 with it's 'mature' and dark tone is the reason Sonic 06 exists.

ToD is the reason ACiT exists and I still love it like a mother.

ToD is the reason ACiT exists and I still love it like a mother.

How can you dislike a game so much to call it "Sonic 06 of Ratchet & Clank"? Even FFA I wouldn't give that title…

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