Hovercars might have keyholes.
He says "If you lost your car keys in it".
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Hovercars might have keyholes.
He says "If you lost your car keys in it".
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Hovercars are still cars though, right?
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Messages: 5964
Car is just short for hovercar. Like when you say recorder instead of video recorder, they'll know what you're talking about anyway.
Messages: 362
Has anyone mentioned that time when there were time anomalies on planet Fastoon? Clank could've just opened a portal to a time before Tachyon attacked and Ratchet and Azimuth could've stopped him right there. Also the Fongoids on the ice planet I forget the name of were trapped inside a forcefield but they could've easily escaped into the past to banish doctor nefarious there before he could make his move.
EDIT: Actually why didn't Ratchet get rid of Nefarious from the ice planet anyway? He wouldn't have been able to make a fleet, kidnap Clank, build a space-station, endanger the galaxy and potentially murder a bunch of Fongoids if Ratchet just took out his guards and hauled him to prison.
Messages: 1638
Has anyone mentioned that time when there were time anomalies on planet Fastoon? Clank could've just opened a portal to a time before Tachyon attacked and Ratchet and Azimuth could've stopped him right there. Also the Fongoids on the ice planet I forget the name of were trapped inside a forcefield but they could've easily escaped into the past to banish doctor nefarious there before he could make his move.
EDIT: Actually why didn't Ratchet get rid of Nefarious from the ice planet anyway? He wouldn't have been able to make a fleet, kidnap Clank, build a space-station, endanger the galaxy and potentially murder a bunch of Fongoids if Ratchet just took out his guards and hauled him to prison.
EDIT: Actually why didn't Ratchet get rid of Nefarious from the ice planet anyway? He wouldn't have been able to make a fleet, kidnap Clank, build a space-station, endanger the galaxy and potentially murder a bunch of Fongoids if Ratchet just took out his guards and hauled him to prison.
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Well, as I said, ACiT's story isn't that good… What a shock!
Well, as I said, ACiT's story isn't that good… What a shock!
ACiT's story is outstanding
If it was then this thread wouldn't exist.
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Well, as I said, ACiT's story isn't that good… What a shock!
ACiT's story is outstandingIf it was then this thread wouldn't exist.
It isn't though..
Fixed that for you.
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ACiT's story is outstanding
In my opinion, it's pretty flawed. While I do enjoy the writing (sorry Darkstar), the time-travel is handeled terribly. We keep hearing that going back in time would destroy everything, but then Ratchet does it on Zanifar. We hear more "time cannot be changed", but then the duo changes 10 years of history of a whole planet. Once again we get reminded that "past stays where it is", but then there's that not 'dramatic' Ratchet's "not-really-death" (six minutes is a bad excuse). The character of Azimuth could've been handeled better as well.
The character of Azimuth could've been handeled better as well.
No character is handled well.
The game becomes an absolute snooze-fest whenever Qwark and Nefarious are not on-screen, which doesn't really happen that often until the end of the game.
Ratchet and Clank have little to no impact on the overall plot. The story mostly progresses when Sigmund, Azimuth or Qwark tell you to go somewhere.
There feels like a part of the game is missing between Korthos and Bernillius.
Ratchet lost most of his defining character traits and he's now just a role model and poser for fangirls.
The above mentioned Qwark and Nefarious are never used for anything other than comic relief.
The story keeps juggling around between Clank and Ratchet and it kinda loses its flow a lot of the time, it's especially hard to root for the main character when, according to the other side of the story, he's steadily becoming the villain as the game progresses.
Some of those sort of deviate from characters, but you get the point.
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I think that ACiT's story's popularity comes not from the story itself, but from the fact that no previous game in the series was so cinematic - while QfB already had a lot of in-game dialogue, ACiT had tons of it, it was the first game to have so many emotional (at least for most of people) moments, it had great cutscene direction and animation… Basically, while ToD's graphics looked like a movie, in ACiT everything felt like a movie, thus everyone started to praise it's story, though on it's own it's not that strong.