Thread: Pretty Random Movie Thread

Oh HECK NO. I've stopped following the news about the game and movie a few months ago to avoid spoilers, not just story-wise, but also gameplay-wise, I want to be surprised. emoji

Same. I haven't seen any of the full gameplay vids since the first one. I want to leave something to be surprised about.

How about if we negotiate with the moderators and ask them to temporarily ban anyone who posts any spoilers on the day of the movie and game's release? emoji

How about if we negotiate with the moderators and ask them to temporarily ban anyone who posts any spoilers on the day of the movie and game's release? emoji

Or, how about we just make sure they don't do it emoji
For those of you wondering, the RaC Novel and Movie Reader just came out, so images and plot details are beginning to flood the internet. Try to avoid at best emoji

Just a random moment - sitting in the school cafeteria, behind me some tech guys are trying the music setup for a dance in the evening and they are playing some songs. I don't care, until I tell myself "hey I know this tune, is this…"
"Oh yes, do."

Nobody else around me knew.

Lots of new images coming soon–these one's aren't spoilerific, but I'll show you this one for now!
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i want see the new images i can't wait emojiemojiemoji

i want see the new images i can't wait emojiemojiemoji

Check on my tumblr–I will be updating frequently emoji

I honeslty would be ok having the begining of the movie spoiled for me

i want see the new images i can't wait emojiemojiemoji

Check on my tumblr–I will be updating frequently emoji

are you going to post anything in the lastest news page

I want you to spoil the crap out of me. Spoil spam me!emoji

I wouldn't mind some spoilers emoji

i want see the new images i can't wait emojiemojiemoji

Check on my tumblr–I will be updating frequently emoji

are you going to post anything in the lastest news page

Wow, looks like I've gotta make some pms emoji
Anyway, the news is up with more images!

Come on! Hit the gas on the Hype Train!

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Happy Valentine's Day!