Thread: Games you're looking forward to

Post about games you're looking forward to in this thread and show off what's making you excited for these upcoming games so others can join you in the hype.

For example; i'm really hyped for Persona 5, the game looks extremely polished and stylized, much more so than it's predecessors, i'm also interested in what the plot will be about as it seems so mysterious as of now and I can't wait to binge on a new persona game again. Also the music is extremely catchy as of usual with this series.
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Ratchet & Clank - Because I know it's happening.
Metal Gear Solid V - Because It's going to be epic! Here is a troiller. (inappropriate for all audiences)
Uncharted 4 - Because I like Uncharted games, here's a trailer.

And possibly more…

This year it's obviously the new Ratchet, but also Batman: Arkham Knight.

Hmm, let's see.

Mass Effect (4)
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Rise of the Tomb Raider
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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
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Ratchet & Clank '15
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StarFox '15
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Star Wars: Battlefront III
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The Order: 1886
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Legend of Kay: Anniversary
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RollerCoaster Tycoon World
Trainz: A New Era

Isn't RCT World the really cruddy one?

Isn't RCT World the really cruddy one?

No, you're thinking of RCT4 on mobile. RCT World is the new one coming to PC this year.

Right. Well they screwed those names up anyway.

I guess I'm looking forward to playing "Papers, Please" and "Napoleon: Total War"

Why, you could play Papers Please right now, couldn't you?

Jak 4.


Jak 4.



I don't know what that hash-tag is about, but I too would really like to see a Jak 4.

Speaking of which, time to cry...