"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
Bumping? Those cars in Jak 2 were fun to crash.
Messages: 5964
Bumping? Those cars in Jak 2 were fun to crash.
Punching has a nice ring to it. Maybe "Smashing into Theaters." Or "Crashing?"
Nah, let's save that one for Crash Bandicoot
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."
Bumping? Those cars in Jak 2 were fun to crash.
So I'm not the only one who enjoyed blowing them up
Messages: 5964
It was probably the thing I spend the most time on. Or stealing the cars from guards ofcourse. I gotta give it that, Jak had a slick overworld!
Messages: 3875
I quickly grew tired of the overworld and it's cars. You can only have fun with them for so long, before it all gets rather dull. There might be room for improvement in this area?
Messages: 5964
I actually spend hours exploring. And I don't mean sidequests, talking to people or anything. Just walking around, driving different cars. If Jak 4 releases and it has a similar overworld, I'm all good.
Messages: 3875
Well I guess different people have different tastes. GTAV and Watch Dogs are the only two games I can really have fun playing around in the open world without doing much of anything, really. inFamous games fall a little behind in that there just doesn't seem like there is enough variety in the open world without missions.
Jak games however fall below inFamous' level of fun free-roam, because at least in inFamous some people might want help, some evil guys might try to hurt you, or you could just go around blowing stuff up and exploring the various areas.
As I've said before, Jak II has me in a sort of dull world, with most of the main missions taking place in the same city. It was easy for me to grow tired of the place and loose whatever interest I had in messing about by the time I was finished with the main story missions. Jak 3 was a little bit less severe, as I actually had enough of an interest in those worlds to get virtually 100% of everything. (not the gun courses though. Those are madness!)
But that is just my way of looking at free-roaming games. At least in all of these games it is fun enough for me to travel between the various missions. I never once felt like a fast travel was needed for these games.
Messages: 5964
You have a point, the very reason I couldn't get into Jak. All the missions are in one world. It felt so repetitive and the missions were short. I missed actual linear platforming.
(not the gun courses though. Those are madness!)
The reason I haven't completed the story mode
Messages: 5964
For me that would be hoverboard courses.
For me that would be hoverboard courses.
Hoverboard I managed to pass. But there is a gun course where you use that gun mod that shoots down and… IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I don't think I ever got even half of the points.
For me that would be hoverboard courses.Hoverboard I managed to pass. But there is a gun course where you use that gun mod that shoots down and… IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I don't think I ever got even half of the points.
Gun mod that shoots down?
I'm pretty sure the only mandatory gun course is the Scatter gun one, unless you're talking about Jak 3.
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
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Messages: 5964
Hoverboard I managed to pass. But there is a gun course where you use that gun mod that shoots down and… IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I don't think I ever got even half of the points.
Alright, help me with this one. The first time you get the hoverboard. I vaguely remember that you meet the girl from the beginning again. That's where I got stuck. Why? I couldn't figure out how to 'double jump' or 'moonjump' or whatever to get to the next platform. The tutorial flashed on the screen before it dissappeared into the void beyond. Help?
Now officially addicted to League of Legends.
Send help.
Gun mod that shoots down?
I'm pretty sure the only mandatory gun course is the Scatter gun one, unless you're talking about Jak 3.
So we were talking about Jak 2? Oops