"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages: 5964
Do you need to hold it or something, cause I pressed every button back then.
Messages: 5964
Do you need to hold it or something, cause I pressed every button back then.
Gun mod that shoots down?
I'm pretty sure the only mandatory gun course is the Scatter gun one, unless you're talking about Jak 3.So we were talking about Jak 2? Oops
I assume you're talking about the Wave Concussor course then?
It's pretty straight forward. Just charge it up and let go whenever a bunch of enemies pop up. If only one enemy appears then don't let go of R1 and use punches and kicks instead.
Do you need to hold it or something, cause I pressed every button back then.
You need to press it when you're on a slope.
Or you could just go around the hole, I'm pretty sure that jumping over them is only for shortcuts and it's never mandatory.
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Messages: 5964
It's been a few years, but I thought it has a few glass walls and a ledge high up. Which I couldn't reach and then I gave up.
It's been a few years, but I thought it has a few glass walls and a ledge high up. Which I couldn't reach and then I gave up.
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Messages: 5964
No, it was the tutorial (I think). Where you first meet the girl that made the hoverboard…
Oh, I thought you were talking about the races.
You're supposed to jump and then jump again right as you hit the ground, sort of like Mario's triple jump.
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Messages: 5964
Then I was on the right track. I spend ten minutes on doing just that, couldn't get it right. I got higher, but never high enough. If I ever decide to give the series a 3rd chance, I'll look up a walkthrough. Thanks, mate.
Messages: 3875
I found that if you hold L1 (I think it was L1. It could have been R1) Jak will crouch on the board, and while holding it you can jump higher. Once you land that high jump hit the jump button again to go even higher… I think.
It's been a long time, but those are the 2 jumping moves to remember.
Messages: 2733
Darkstar, your new ava, you've got to be joking…
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Messages: 2733
I just wonder why would you use a J&D ava in an R&C community (it's okay, I'm not angry)
Speaking of J&D avatars, which game is that one from?
Messages: 3875
It's from PlayStation Move Heroes.
What's wrong with using avatars from games that aren't Ratchet & Clank? A heck of a lot of people do that. I mean HeatherGrace, Vince4x4 and Filipuntik don't have R&C avatars. (that's to name a few)
It's from PlayStation Move Heroes.
I kinda figured, since I can kind of see Ratchet and Sly in the background.
Messages: 3875
Well most Jak and Daxter fans would be able to tell because of the ferociously different graphics.