Ok. So, when you think your on again?
Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
Well ATM I'm avoiding creating, by doing CRAZY things, like completing Resistance 3 on Superhuman (can check that box) and completing Resistance: Fall of Man on Hard… But tonight I WILL get things done!
And unfortunately I wont be on for some time, because of family issues… Maybe a month?
Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
After some intense creationg last night I made these (enimies from Veldin, R&C1
Yea they are all the same, but my origional had a smaller leg, so I made it bigger, then again I increased the leg size. Just wondering, which one do you guyz think is better I II or III? Or bigger leg or smaller leg or even an inbetween size? I can't decide? Plus I know I haven't added a head or its gun yet, will do that next, first I gotta know about this though? I cant decide the size of the leg, since my initioal thoughts was the smaller leg looked best, but the bigger ones do look good (If I were going for accuracy beileve it or not the smallest leg one is the most accurate )
EDIT: FYI the bigger leg ones can be shrunken smaller. (The small leg one Ratchet counldn't even doublejump over!)
And for those that either want a higher quality look or haven't seen yet
(This one curcuit board had wires all over it, and normally looked really really complicated, but the wires dont appear anymore?
…Is how you make a working Weapon ammo display (bar) And thats only 40 ammo! The Pyrocitor… Oh the pyrocitr!
Well i think the ones with the biggest leg looks best.
But thats hard to say without weapons and a head
Will you do a vender? The problem is when you make a link to the next level, will you lose the weapons?
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Messages: 3875
Well i think the ones with the biggest leg looks best.
But thats hard to say without weapons and a head
Will you do a vender? The problem is when you make a link to the next level, will you lose the weapons?
Well tonight or tomorrow I will shove a gun and a head on those things, then you can let me know if the scale of things looks right (After the whole leg thing, i'm going for quality over accuracy now!) Vender? Yes! You will be able to purchase ammo (and probably weapons, but every time I say that I end up doing it ) Because of my (beleve it or not) SIMPLE ammo system, making booth max out and collect X ammount will be a bresse (multiple weapons not so much though) And as for a link to a next level, of course! I have decided to only make the first level for each planet, and each (major) cinematic replayable! So it would go:
Drek's plan
Distress call from Skidd
Ad for Al's Roboshack
Drek's orders deforestation
Those will be unlockable, and replayable! However the list of levels I'm gona create will be:
Veldin Part 2!
Drek's Plan
Novalis Part 2!
And so on…
And you will not loose any weapons, infact they will be free! Well sort of… When you start Novalis I'm gonna give you the average ammount you should end with from when you played Veldin (me playing lazy, and me playing through getting all bolts, then I just add the sum of the two together and divide by two (but I might go though again taking out half of everything, and so on… And on Novalis you might or might not have enough for the Pyricitor, if you choose not to buy it, too bad! You will be automatically given it the next time you activate a level link! This will carry on throught the whole game until your quick select is full of weapons and gadgets! (Of course I will only put in the gadgets you need) but when it is overloaded I will simply take out the ones that I feel are… Not too useful (or if thier logic is too much, and I just need them to get out! Like when you get the Taunter, you wont have it for long! Only on levels like BTS, Orxon or Veldin (second trip) and I will make sure weapons lie the Tesla Claw are always there (after Oltanis)
yay, great, i love the tesla claw. How about the RYNO? Will you have to replay Black water city for that?
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Messages: 3875
How about the RYNO? Will you have to replay Black water city for that?
Well I too have wondered about that one? I dont think I will put the RYNO in… I cant just add it to the quick select unless I do a challenge mode (that means creating the whole game over again… I know how sad it will be without the RYNO so I will make a Ratchet Sackbot equiped with the RYNO and hide it deep in the bonus level I plan to create, that is unlocked after finishing the game…
Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
Well all I have to do now is put a head on 'em and they are done! Sorry it took me so darn long, I had a lot of important school stuff to atend to. Anyway, I was origionally gonna shink it down to the size suitable for Ratchet to fight, but now that I am almost done, I am having doubts! It gets really bad when shrunken. And looks as if I put no effort into it So I came up with something I thought would help it; I took a pic of the giant detailed one, and then copied the robot, except on the copy, I removed all of the stickers and joined all of the pieces that are not cardboard together, the result looked a bit better when shrunken… A bit, but when I placed the sticker (I took of the giant detailed one) Something wasnt right? When my computer is rebuilt, and I can use mobile broadband again, I will upload the comparison! (of the two little ones)
Now I was origionally gonna wait 'till I finished Veldin: Part 2! Before asking this, but it doesnt hurt to plan ahead; When you land on Novalis there is a choice of three different paths! The Caves, The Waterworks, and The Crater! I was thinking of making them all seperate levels, and that when you landed on Novalis you would be asked which way you wanted to go? You would then select the path you wanted to take, and be taken through a hidden level link to that area! The options would make my create moon overload, observe
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Caves > Crater > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Caves > Crater > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Crater > Caves > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Crater > Caves > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Crater > Waterworks > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Crater > Waterworks > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Waterworks > Crater > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Waterworks > Crater > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Waterworks > Caves > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Waterworks > Caves > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Caves > Waterworks > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Caves > Waterworks > Metropolis
Just getting through Novalis there is at the very least 25 levels! Or I could save some space and just go
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Waterworks > Crater > Aridia > Metropolis
At least 7 there!
I know that in order to finish this I will need multiple accounts, but how many? So what should I do here?
BTW show spoiler if you wanna see one outragous list (I actually made a list of every possible Mission order combination for the whole game!)
Veldin > Aridia/Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Caves > Crater > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Caves > Crater > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Crater > Caves > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Crater > Caves > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Crater > Waterworks > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Crater > Waterworks > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Waterworks > Crater > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Caves > Waterworks > Crater > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Waterworks > Caves > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Waterworks > Caves > Metropolis
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Caves > Waterworks > Aridia
Veldin > Novalis > Crater > Caves > Waterworks > Metropolis
Aridia > Metropolis
Aridia > Skidd > Agent > Metropolis
Aridia > Agent > Skidd > Metropolis
Metropolis > Eudora
Aridia > Metropolis > Al > Course > Eudora
Aridia > Metropolis > Course > Al > Eudora
Novalis > Metropolis > Course > Aridia > Metropolis > Al > Course > Eudora
Novalis > Metropolis > Course > Aridia > Metropolis > Course > Al > Eudora
Eudora > BS
Eudora > Suck > Lt. > BTS
Eudora > Lt. > Suck > BTS
BTS > Blackwater
BTS > Clank > Fred > Warship > Blackwater
BTS > Clank > Warship > Fred > Blackwater
BTS > Warship > Fred > Clank > Blackwater
BTS > Warship > Clank > Fred > Blackwater
BTS > Fred > Warship > Clank > Blackwater
BTS > Fred > Clank > Warship > Blackwater
Blackwater > Umbris
Blackwater > Qwark > Hoverboard > Umbris
Blackwater > Hoverboard > Qwark > Umbris
Umbris > Gaspar/Orxon
Umbris > Batalia > Commando > Grind Rail > Gaspar
Umbris > Batalia > Commando > Grind Rail > Orxon
Umbris > Batalia > Grind Rail > Commando > Gaspar
Umbris > Batalia > Grind Rail > Commando > Orxon
Gaspar > Pokitaru
Gaspar > Orxon > Mag Boots > Batalia > Turret > Orxon > Infobot > Pokitaru
Gaspar > Orxon > Mag Boots > Infobot > Batalia > Turret > Pokitaru
Orxon > Pokitaru
Orxon > Mag Boots > Batalia > Turret > Orxon > Infobot > Pokitaru > Gaspar > Pokitaru
Orxon > Mag Boots > Infobot > Batalia > Turret > Pokitaru > Gaspar > Pokitaru
Pokitaru > Orxon
Pokitaru > Jet Fighter > Sewers > Orxon
Pokitaru > Sewers > Jet Fighter > Orxon
Orxon > Hoven
Orxon > Nanotech > Infobot > Hoven
Orxon > Infobot > Nanotech > Hoven
Hoven > Miner > Ed > Planetbuster > Gemlik
Hoven > Miner > Planetbuster > Ed > Gemlik
Hoven > Planetbuster > Ed > Miner > Gemlik
Hoven > Planetbuster > Miner > Ed > Gemlik
Hoven > Ed > Miner > Planetbuster > Gemlik
Hoven > Ed > Planetbuster > Miner > Gemlik
Gemlik > Quartu
Gemlik > Oltanis > Scrap Merchant > Morph-o-ray > Qwark > Gold Bolt > Quartu
Gemlik > Oltanis > Scrap Merchant > Qwark > Morph-o-ray > Gold Bolt > Quartu
Gemlik > Oltanis > Morph-o-ray > Scrap Merchant > Qwark > Gold Bolt > Quartu
Gemlik > Oltanis > Morph-o-ray > Qwark > Scrap Merchant > Gold Bolt > Quartu
Gemlik > Oltanis > Qwark > Morph-o-ray > Scrap Merchant > Gold Bolt > Quartu
Gemlik > Oltanis > Qwark > Scrap Merchant > Morph-o-ray > Gold Bolt > Quartu
Quartu > Kalebo
Quartu > Giant Clank > Coolant > Kalebo
Quartu > Coolant > Giant Clank > Kalebo
Kalebo > Veldin
Kalebo > Quartu > Robo Plant > Fleet > Swim > Infiltrate > Veldin
Kalebo > Quartu > Robo Plant > Fleet > Infiltrate > Swim > Veldin
Total level count: 162
Accounts: 9 (at the very least)
Veldin > Novalis > Waterworks > Caves > Crater > Aridia > Skidd > Agent > Metropolis > Al > Course > Eudora > Suck > Lt. > BTS > Clank > Fred > Warship > Blackwater > Qwark > Hoverboard > Umbris > Batalia > Commando > Grind Rail > Gaspar > Orxon > Mag Boots > Batalia > Turret > Orxon > Infobot > Pokitaru > Jet Fighter > Sewers > Orxon > Nanotech > Infobot > Hoven > Miner > Ed > Planetbuster > Gemlik > Oltanis > Scrap Merchant > Morph-o-ray > Qwark > Gold Bolt > Quartu > Giant Clank > Coolant > Kalebo > Quartu > Robo Plant > Fleet > Swim > Infiltrate > Veldin
Total level count: 59
Accounts: 3 (at the very least)
First, sorry for not being on anywhere on the internet for a week, we had a school trip
Sooo… This looks like a really hard job. For you and the ones doing the music
I have another idea, how about making a level where you actually really can go the path you want?
Where you spawn, you can go back and go to the waterworks (maybe there will be a link needed) and there you find the link to planet Aridia.
You go strait and you get into the caves
You step on the yellow floating platform.
Of course there is a ship on Aridia, wich is linked to the main level of Novalis.
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Messages: 3875
Well I dont want people getting confused and repeating ANYTHING or missing anything! (like if they take the Waterworks and get stuck because Aridia has not Infobot, they will get annoyed and quit. I cant have a mission screen to help people, and I dont want people getting frustrated at the mase of levels. I do kinda have the whole multipath thing going on, because the levels marked Novals or Aridia or Metropolis are the landing pad, and from the landing pad you can like choose your path! Anyway so you think the first idea works best, thats cool! How about the extra one I PMd you about? Ya know the INSANE MAD ONE!
Well… i think that was just a bit too INSANE MAD
Have you thought about all the time this would cost? I WILL LOOK LIKE SARUMAN WHEN ITS FINISHED
Thats him
And maybe PSN wouldnt like it if you would crate that much accounts..
Or maybe it is the best idea with the map where you select wich way you want to go.
Sooooo… when are you on again?
Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
Sooooo… when are you on again?
Well… I'm not sure? I think maybe next weekend?
I suppose you are right about my third idea, but it is mainly alot of the same level being copied. But then I did think, if someone were to realise what I did and replay the level doing every possible combination things could get… Messy…
I have pictures of Veldin: Part 2!
When you start off you can go right to fight some robots and find Clank, or you can go left to replay Veldin, of course if you choose to go left a message will come up making sure you arent making a mistake!
Here I have used the right analogue stick to look up, you can see I am inside of that wrecked ship! But lots goes unseen…
Here I am in create mode, so that you can get a good look at the decoration I have going on here! (at the top)
Moving on, I will come across an enemy! Here you can only see the beam of the bad guy, infact you cant even see that! (because I have a randomiser set up, and it took the picture at the exact 0.01 second there is no electricity beam!) And as you can see Ratchet has been hit!
Here are some beautiful Gaddetron Crates! Upon destroying these some holografic ammo will come out and attract straight to Ratchet! (thats why there are no pictures of ammo here) And in the background you can see that Horny Toad that was pissed off at the Robot!
Here I have taken out that Horny Toad and done a double jump to get over that dangerous electricity! And as you can see I haven't finished the background…
Here I understand there is no background, but that will change! And you can see I have found that guy who runs away to regroup with his chums!
using Look Mode you can see, here are his chums!
Now here is a picture of the two different Tesla Robot designs (bottom left and bottom right) As you can see I have shrunken them down to the size they will be battling at! An advantage of the one on the bottom right, is that it can shrink even smaller! The smaller one is seen at the top next to the Ratchet-bot!
hope you liked the pics! This level will be playable on either the 16th or the 30th!
Looks great, cant wait to play it
sorry, ive not been working on the amoeboids or the music, i was working on my own LBD level.
Is it awesome here, or is it just me?
Messages: 3875
sorry, ive not been working on the amoeboids or the music, i was working on my own LBD level.
No problem! I have been quite lazy mayself lately!
Do your robots also make those funny sounds when you hit them?