Thread: Ratchet & Clank: Little Big Planet 2

I would never ever take someone elses work and not credit them, that would be like lieing.

And I am not having any problems with my moon, i'm sorry but I dont quite get what you mean. My moon has a maximum of 20 levels, and while that wont be enough I will just make a new account, that way I will have 40, and if thats not enough I make another account and I have a total of 60 levels to publish. SO really I have no problem there, but thanks for the offer emoji

ah ok, i'l just start on the Kervan music and send it in a message to you!

No hurry though, take your time, because I have still got a lot to do before I can get to Kerwan, I have a cnematic, couple of Novalis levels, another cinematic, and then Kerwan OR Aridia. So really, there is no hurry, just remember you have all the time in the universe emoji

And even if somehow I get the levels done in a flash (unlikely) and the music isnt ready, there is no problem, as Veldin still doesnt have music (though I have a guy working on that)

well if i have good time i make all three soundtracks for planet Kerwan so i has something to do, because i have nothing to do at the moment… Ha haemojiemoji

Oh and i am good in designing, specially the extra layer glitch thing if you feel you need that. i am often online so just say it here or send a message from ps3 to hennamann!

I will need that, but I already know the glitch, will use it for Metropolis, but not Novalis.

I havent even tried to build Novalis yet (still working on Veldin ATM) I am hoping I will vbe able to get the matereals right. On LBP1 there were not very good choices in materials, and I made the cliffs out of wood emoji This time it will be alot better!

I hope

LET'S hope so!

but i really need work so i,m ready! but of course i have homework and school but… yeah two creators is better than one, you now! emoji emoji

and you give me ideas, maybe i'l make quest for booty levels! need to learn more logic but i think i can do it! and i don't need more than one account! i can use that stupid account i made with a mistake! Makes a thread when i'm sure to make it!emoji

Well after tomorrow I'm going to have like two months free, so I will probably get a lot done soon (that is if I'm not going to be lazy during the holidays)

Hey, just a question about the Novalis music, you think i should start now or is it okay when i still wait a bit?

You may as well start now, helps to be ahead, and just add to it and improve it while you wait…\r\n\r\nI just gave Ratchet the Wall Kick move, so now he can jump off walls and in jump slots, it works really well like everything else (except the fct the the Ratchetbot can swing its wrench with the Bomb Glove out emoji ) And you know how annoying it is when your trying to get up over a wall and Ratchet kicks off it and goes in the opposite direction, well I fixed that, and now there be no annoying parts emoji

Wow! i could really need that for my levels! i would be wery greatful if you give it to meemojiemoji

Wow! i could really need that for my levels! i would be wery greatful if you give it to meemojiemoji

I made it easily copyable, it's reciever (Sackot chip) and transmitter (Controlinator chip) are wireless so there is no setting it up, it's just place and play!

My double-jump one is not setup wireless and you have to use colour codes to match the wires on the transmitter and reciever (I could make it wireless though)

This might not make sence to I will upload pictures of it later to explain more clearly. Anyway I cant give you the stuff for a while though because I am not online for a bit

i know i know, but when you are online… so let me know it!

i know i know, but when you are online… so let me know it!

You may have whatever I can extract (so far it's just the Double Jump and the Wall-Kick however I am trying to get the wrench controls extracted ATM and it is proving to be quite a challenge…

Well, Colors of markers were whery confusing for me. When i use markers, i usually make the marker color blue and then put a specified tag, so i have just one thing to remember.

As for the Amouboids.. are there any Tags i should remember?

Dont worry about the tags for the Ameboids, just have a tag that says "Bomb" and I will just find the bomb tag and tweak the range and add an aditional tag for the Bomb Glove