well after playing acit i thought it was too easy and no i did not play on the easy setting, does any one agree with me?
JCATZ199 it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only three for a proper trigger pull. :]
well after playing acit i thought it was too easy and no i did not play on the easy setting, does any one agree with me?
JCATZ199 it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only three for a proper trigger pull. :]
Have you gotten any new armor while playing through the game? Because there were some cases that I found that were quite difficult without buying any armor what-so-ever.
Try doing that take in hardcore difficulty and you will find that it is not easy at all.
Messages: 3875
agreed. It aint easy… But possible! Hardcore all the way!
Yeah, I find that, even with adjustable difficulty; the Ratchet series is getting easier and easier a it progresses, so I just try to beat without armour, makes it a little more fun!
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Messages: 13
i think the game is challenging in hardcore! i love that it in the last two games they have let you pick your difficulty because the other game on ps2 and psp were a walk in the park. they last two games quest for booty and a crack in time i think are better because they are challenging but if you can still have fun and beat the game then it deosnt even feel like your playing in hardcore!!!. but i think playing the game in challege mode is even harder but still awsome to play and never tiring!! and ive played all the game with the begining armour
some armour i dont like so i just stay with the same armour thought the game , plus it really tests you, they should have a feature that lets you equip all the armour youve bought, because i really like some of the armour in the new games, and wish i could wear it again
you'd think with a crack in time they would do that, hopefully they will do and i hope the new all for one game good because id really hate for it to be a let down :salut:
(Posted edited by Mod due to member adding more than one font type in a post. Please keep it to one only.)
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
Ah geez, what's up with the text in your post Devastator?
Please keep it to just one font type only.
Messages: 13
theres nothing wrong really just a few words underlined n i red the rule email thing ill try not to say bad words again lol
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
Well as I said I played on hardcore
JCATZ199 it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only three for a proper trigger pull. :]
Messages: 13
ye i played on hardore first time through to it gives the game a challenge but still fun to play , challenge mode is a bit harder but not impossilbe , & it does also depend on wat armour you have i usually buy the first set you can get ectoflux armour , & stay with that for a while, n then i buy the thermaflux armour (because its my favourite armour)
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
theres nothing wrong really just a few words underlined n i red the rule email thing ill try not to say bad words again lol
Well the underlined text I don't mind, but what you wrote on that post had changed from one type of font to another. It may not bug you, but I know that it might annoy others, which also results in not taking your post that seriously. I'm just here to give you a heads up in the future, that's all.
But anyways, back to the topic.
JCats, did you still found the game easy with the hardcore difficulty on?
Messages: 13
ok thanks for the heads up then i thought you were cracking a joke, but i wouldnt say i find it easy with hardcore on , its a challenge n fun its not like you can play with your eyes shut but it is pritty easy when you have played the game a few times
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
Messages: 3875
Hardcore and no armour. Nuff said
Messages: 13
what you mean dude?!? as in easy or hard? i sometime like it ive completed each R&C game with the first set armour u get!! (apart from the first on cuz u dont have armour)
Time is a gift, and it itself is not to be tampered with!
Messages: 3875
what you mean dude?!? as in easy or hard? i sometime like it ive completed each R&C game with the first set armour u get!! (apart from the first on cuz u dont have armour)
It is hard. For me anyway! It only takes a few hits to die (and i don't use the RYNOs or overly powerful weapons much at all. If you play the games on the hardst difficulty and wearing the first armour throughout the game and still find it a walk in the park YOU are probably one of the best people at R&C in the world. And if you want a real challenge try Jak II without going Dark Jak or buying any upgrades… Your skills will be tested!
Well let's see it took me only 4 weeks to be 15th presteage on call of duty black ops and only 6 hours to beat fallout 3
JCATZ199 it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but only three for a proper trigger pull. :]