Yes , Spyro the Dragon , Spyro 2 : Gateway to glimmer and Spyro 3 : Year of the Dragon created by Insomniac Games :oui:
I don't have the playstation Vita 
It is a good playstation ?
The Vita is so powerful.
Mine has on it Spyro 1, 2, 3, Crash 1, 2, 3, CTR, Rayman 1, 2, Metal Gear Solid and MediEvil. But those are just my PS1 games. I also have LittleBigPlanet which is actually way BETTER than it's PS3 counterpart! PlayStation All-Stars which is a PS3 game and Uncharted: Golden Abyss which is super high-quality. But that's not all! I also have the MGS HD collection (2 awesome PS2 games in HD) and a PSP Metal Gear Solid game.
There are heaps of other games I am looking at getting too. My point is that the Vita plays some really really awesome games. I'd sell my PS3 a million times for a Vita!
And with FFA coming soon, I almost feel sorry for my Vita.
Still , this playstation is very powerful but i have several games of my PsOne in my PSP . I have Crash Bandicoot 1 , 2 , 3 , CTR , Spyro 1 , Spyro 2 , Spyro 3 , Medievil 1 and 2 , Pac man World , every Rayman and Ratchet & Clank SM 
I love my PSP
I have a question , the PSP games can go in the PS Vita ?