Thread: Pretty Random Movie Thread

I had a few Bionicles when I was a kid. Awesome! They were white, snow themed I guess. But I usually played with the Alpha Team series. emoji

Ah, Bionicles emoji You know they brought them back?

Ah, Bionicles emoji You know they brought them back?

From your avatar, yes emoji

As bad as Drek's look is, just remember…
User image
…it could be worse…
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…or better.

Hey, it actually looks much better on the second pic…

The guy next to me made me see something I can now never unsee…

As bad as Drek's look is, just remember…
User image
…it could be worse…
User image
…or better.

If Drek's head was that tall, he would always be hitting it on the tops of doorways. emoji

Nah, he's a pretty small guy–I bet he's not even taller than Qwark with that head on!

Deleted user

hi am new to ratchet galaxy can anyone tell me how to get a profile picture ?

Deleted user
hi am new to ratchet galaxy can anyone tell me how to get a profile picture ?

Hello nightwingratchet! You can edit your profile by following these 3 steps:

1. Click on the gears icon at the top of the screen, under the "My Profile" section
2. Select the first option from this list of options, titled "Edit your profile"
3. Scroll down just a little to find the "Change your avatar" box, and put a URL for a picture in there (these URLs must end with something like .png or .jpg, as they will be direct links to pictures)

I would recommend posting a self-introduction in the following thread:

Use this:

You'll need the bottom link once you've uploaded a 200x200 avatar.

Hello, nightwing!

You can also use one of RG's official avatar in the Multimedia section

Deleted user

wow thanks

Deleted user

dangit how to get the thing on the bottom of you massege

It's called a Signature and you can change it on the same page where you change your avatar emoji