Thread: Ratchet & Clank PS4 - Official Thread

Perhaps after playing them you'll change your mind.

Also, the Sly movie. That's a 2017 release now, right?

Also, the Sly movie. That's a 2017 release now, right?

Yes, it is.

Also, the Sly movie. That's a 2017 release now, right?

Yes, it is.


Deleted user

A new trailer has been released now showing more gameplay and Dr. Nefarious in the game like in the movie that's coming YES! I'll have to write a news on it later though–I have to go to work…

I has seen the trailer too ! emoji

Underwater levels are back.

Deleted user

As I haven't played the original games yet I'm curious how much is new in the PS4 game and what's reused. I know for sure there are a lot of new stuff like Dr. Nefarious etc. but are parts recognizable from the original game?

I just love the water surface of Pokitaru! It is so beautiful and peaceful no matter what happens under or over it! By the way the music at the end gives me a good Going Commando vibe!

My ears may be playing tricks on me, but I'm pretty sure the track at the end was a remix of… something… from the PS2 days. It was too short, though, couldn't quite make out what it was…

Anyway, I'm still really excited! Clank gameplay doesn't look too slow from what little we see of it in this trailer, and he's packing heat! Or at least a bomb glove emoji

It looks like they're trying to give each level a unique twist to make it interesting for people who have already played the original game (in Pokitaru's case, it's the giant Plytopus at the end of the regular level section)

Also was that Clank section the part where he escapes the robot factory on Quartu? Definitely seems that way, especially since Victor's trying to catch him. I guess this game will start with a Clank level like ACiT.

And I noticed that the trailer seemed to focus more on Nefarious than Drek… I guess since the game will have a lot more "filler" where they can't really use Drek, they'll just use Neffy… he's probably the main villain, even if he isn't the one pulling the strings.

My ears may be playing tricks on me, but I'm pretty sure the track at the end was a remix of… something… from the PS2 days. It was too short, though, couldn't quite make out what it was…

So I am not the only one who thinks of this!

Pokitarul, underwater sequense. Hot damn!

I have a feeling the hoverboard sections will be one on one with the original.

I have a feeling the hoverboard sections will be one on one with the original.

Well, actually, the ramp is on the wrong side *snorts*

And as much as I'm excited for Pokitaru, am I the only one who's worrying that it may be a little too faithful to the original?

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I have a feeling the hoverboard sections will be one on one with the original.

Well, actually, the ramp is on the wrong side *snorts*

And as much as I'm excited for Pokitaru, am I the only one who's worrying that it may be a little too faithful to the original?

User image

Well, I really liked the main path of Pokitaru so I don't really worry about it.

EDIT: User image Either those are antennas or the microbots have hands. Also, it really seems that showing Pokitaru is the main reason of this trailer. After, all it includes dogfights, underwater gameplay (and a really nice path emoji ).

It's really worrying for me. I wanted an all new place.

All new enough. Look at the water, look at the gras! This'll be whole new place to explore!

And the new Quantic Dream video game, Detroit: Becoming Human… Hot damn. That is going to be amazing, perhaps even better than Beyond: Two Souls!