From aroud the galaxy.
Messages: 37
looks very nice, I got the R&C skins from the beginning!
Messages: 37
looks very nice, I got the R&C skins from the beginning!
Messages: 88
Looks really cool awesome job!
Messages: 190
Looks awesome so far, If PSN would hurry up with their investigation I could help, Aced all levels and im getting on my way to 100% of the bubbles
The Formula why sportsmen get fat salaries:
Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. Corruption=Evil and crime is evil.
Crime doesn't pay.
Messages: 3875
Looks awesome so far, If PSN would hurry up with their investigation I could help, Aced all levels and im getting on my way to 100% of the bubbles
i still don't have my PS3 going online yet :/ but help would be apreciated! I aced all the levels (Where in The World is Avalon Centrifuge was crazy to ace) and got all gifts you can get with 1 2 & 3 players (i brought 2 extra controlers so i could get x3 ones… And so i could play with my brother). 99% soo far… I'm doin okay at creatin' not the best in the world though, but if you are good at makin' music i could rreally use help with that.
Messages: 190
i still don't have my PS3 going online yet :/ but help would be apreciated! I aced all the levels (Where in The World is Avalon Centrifuge was crazy to ace) and got all gifts you can get with 1 2 & 3 players (i brought 2 extra controlers so i could get x3 ones… And so i could play with my brother). 99% soo far… I'm doin okay at creatin' not the best in the world though, but if you are good at makin' music i could rreally use help with that.![]()
Just the thing i hate, but i know someone, and she is quite a R&C fan and awesome at music, anyway, im good at special effects, logic, and costumes
The Formula why sportsmen get fat salaries:
Knowledge is power, and power corrupts. Corruption=Evil and crime is evil.
Crime doesn't pay.
Messages: 3875
i still don't have my PS3 going online yet :/ but help would be apreciated! I aced all the levels (Where in The World is Avalon Centrifuge was crazy to ace) and got all gifts you can get with 1 2 & 3 players (i brought 2 extra controlers so i could get x3 ones… And so i could play with my brother). 99% soo far… I'm doin okay at creatin' not the best in the world though, but if you are good at makin' music i could rreally use help with that.![]()
Just the thing i hate, but i know someone, and she is quite a R&C fan and awesome at music, anyway, im good at special effects, logic, and costumes
thats cool! I consider myseflf good at logic too but special effects sounds good! And even costumes… And maybe logic too! I can't compare too anyone at the moment? Not like i need too? Sure you can help! Doin this on my own will take a while… And your friend sounds like she could help! Infact too save time, when PSN is goin' again you should see if your friend can help? Or perhaps start tryin' to make some cool R&C music (from the first game) RG has all the music in the game, so that could help in the making?
i just realised something… I cant come up with original stuff? I'm only any good at copying stuff!
Messages: 3875
Damn, forced to double post again I have no pics to show (i know weird right?) but i spent all day on perfecting a good Quick Select and i can't just not say anything about my massive sucess! Originally (okay it wasn't my original thought on how to play) i thought that i would make you run around the level as yourself (Not Ratchet) the reasons for this were that you couln't use the Grappling hook and i had trouble with player sensors not picking up a sackbot
and things were looking bad, i realised this morning that you NEED a quick select! And a creatinator wasn't the answer. Soo i wen't back too the Sackbot idea! And a good idea it was! I was able too create a working Quick Select menu! (but sadly due too remote control sackbots being impossible to stop i had to make the quick select controlable by the right analouge stick (i might swap to directional buttons later :P) At the start of R&C you get one weapon… THE BOMB GLOVE! And i have made it! Yup it is finnished and works well! It destroys crated and kills enemies! But the only problem is it can kill the sackbot! (that you control) and i know what you are thinking "explosives equals sackbot dies" but no it was the plasma! The plasma kills the sackbot! The bombs do explode, but don't harm you (apart from the plasma (it is silent plasma soo you dont hear it, oh and you can't see it!)
Sadly i ran into a problem with my overly complicated Horny Toads. Belive it or not they can't operate on any layers other than the front. And they keep commiting suacide! (well not exactly suicide, they just snap their legs off!)
As for when they will be playable? On either Monday or Tuesday i will get a disk containing an update for my computer and with the update comes the ability for me to tell my computer too share its internet with our PS3 and then i will go onto PSN as soon as it becomes possible and give the comunity my first Cinematic level! And once i have done that i will probably become more focused on finnishing my second, then third! And it goes on… I soo wanna show you guys sum pics… But i am too lasy right now… Or am I?…
Yeah, I know the sackbot-grappling hook thing is an issue, I'm aware that, with VERY complicated logic, it's possible to make sackbot's their own grappling hook. Unfortunatley I don't know how it's done.
This is the Signature Box. Writing in it means that things will appear under your posts; write as you please, for example: Why not describe the purpose of the Signature Box?
Messages: 3875
Yeah, I know the sackbot-grappling hook thing is an issue, I'm aware that, with VERY complicated logic, it's possible to make sackbot's their own grappling hook. Unfortunatley I don't know how it's done.![]()
Well… I know i will perfect this VERY complicated logic. I am pretty sure i SHOULD be able too perfect it when i come too it. (i think material tweakers and emmiters will be the key! (along with keys, look at thingys and gravity tweakers (maybe movers too!) i will stop at no obstical! (though these toads are starting to bug me, i had to make the thing jump like a creature :/ (creature brain controlled) and use a spring to make it look like it is hoping. Now that the holidays are over i can stop being lazy and get some work done I can't stop looking at this nanotech system i made though! It looks booth cool and… Ametur? Maybe it is because there are no nanomites in the orbs. And because i can't hide them
Next time i post i will have finnished Veldin (i don't wan't to go on about every step i take one by one
I just like too show off i guess
I am still very disapointed every time i enter the level hearing The Savahna when i should be hearing The Kyzil Pleatau Just as i wrote this i discovered a way to make the Nanotech hideable and still be deplatable
soo that fixes just about all the problems! Be back here when Veldin is complete (at the moment i am desighning the bridge
Yeah, I know the sackbot-grappling hook thing is an issue, I'm aware that, with VERY complicated logic, it's possible to make sackbot's their own grappling hook. Unfortunatley I don't know how it's done.![]()
Well… I know i will perfect this VERY complicated logic. I am pretty sure i SHOULD be able too perfect it when i come too it. (i think material tweakers and emmiters will be the key! (along with keys, look at thingys and gravity tweakers (maybe movers too!) i will stop at no obstical! (though these toads are starting to bug me, i had to make the thing jump like a creature :/ (creature brain controlled) and use a spring to make it look like it is hoping. Now that the holidays are over i can stop being lazy and get some work done
I can't stop looking at this nanotech system i made though! It looks booth cool and… Ametur? Maybe it is because there are no nanomites in the orbs. And because i can't hide them
Next time i post i will have finnished Veldin (i don't wan't to go on about every step i take one by one
I just like too show off i guess
I am still very disapointed every time i enter the level hearing The Savahna when i should be hearing The Kyzil PleatauJust as i wrote this i discovered a way to make the Nanotech hideable and still be deplatable
soo that fixes just about all the problems! Be back here when Veldin is complete (at the moment i am desighning the bridge
Yeah, I think it is done with a piece of invisible hologram material, set to follow your sackbot and has a joystick rotator to move it around you and aim, it also has an emmitter on it that shoots out a thing with a "sticky" material tweaker that's attached to a winch and there's a controlinator button attached to the emmitter. That's all I know about getting the swingshot for a sackbot, but I know there's probably a lot more logic required to make it work properly…
This is the Signature Box. Writing in it means that things will appear under your posts; write as you please, for example: Why not describe the purpose of the Signature Box?
Messages: 3875
Yeah, I know the sackbot-grappling hook thing is an issue, I'm aware that, with VERY complicated logic, it's possible to make sackbot's their own grappling hook. Unfortunatley I don't know how it's done.![]()
Well… I know i will perfect this VERY complicated logic. I am pretty sure i SHOULD be able too perfect it when i come too it. (i think material tweakers and emmiters will be the key! (along with keys, look at thingys and gravity tweakers (maybe movers too!) i will stop at no obstical! (though these toads are starting to bug me, i had to make the thing jump like a creature :/ (creature brain controlled) and use a spring to make it look like it is hoping. Now that the holidays are over i can stop being lazy and get some work done
I can't stop looking at this nanotech system i made though! It looks booth cool and… Ametur? Maybe it is because there are no nanomites in the orbs. And because i can't hide them
Next time i post i will have finnished Veldin (i don't wan't to go on about every step i take one by one
I just like too show off i guess
I am still very disapointed every time i enter the level hearing The Savahna when i should be hearing The Kyzil PleatauJust as i wrote this i discovered a way to make the Nanotech hideable and still be deplatable
soo that fixes just about all the problems! Be back here when Veldin is complete (at the moment i am desighning the bridge
Yeah, I think it is done with a piece of invisible hologram material, set to follow your sackbot and has a joystick rotator to move it around you and aim, it also has an emmitter on it that shoots out a thing with a "sticky" material tweaker that's attached to a winch and there's a controlinator button attached to the emmitter. That's all I know about getting the swingshot for a sackbot, but I know there's probably a lot more logic required to make it work properly…
Will let you know when i have mastered that (in quite a while i'd guess, since i'm still on Veldin)
Messages: 3875
Behold my Ratchet Version 8! Yes thats right i made eight of these monsoers! Now hows about we see the Ratchet V8 in preview…
yep that is the overly complicated Ratchet V8 (it's a controlable Sackbot) Now i will show the curcuit board!
this is my Nanotech Curcuit Board! (the first one)
and the second Nanotech Curcuit Board (tey are booth in the sackbot.
this is the controlinator that you control the Sackbot with. While i use Micro Chips alot on this one board is a bit of Nanotech Logic, Bomb Glove Logic and Quick Select Logic! Its like my master board!
this one is a confusing one… I put this Micro Chip on the Controlinator's Curcuit Board to hold any other micro chips! (and as you can see a wee bit of logic (i think that is for the Helpdesk Mesages?
this is a part of the Commet Strike Curcuit Board…
this has all the sensors on it! So obviously you are looking at the measly Curcuit Board for the Sackbot itself.
Diving straight into it now! Here Ratchet is prforming a Comet Strike! To make the Comet Strike work i used a mover to ram Ratchet into the ground while holding R1 (looking like a crouch and making walking impossible until you let go) then press Square and Ratchet biffs his Wrench! Oh the fun this will provide!
i don't have much time left so the order from here on is gonna be all over the place But here is an enemy that can only be killed with either the Bomb Glove or the Comet Stike!
what do you think of me bridge? Quite something isn't it? (Took me like forever to make (3 hours)
BEHOLD! NANOTECH! Fancy isn't it? Holding triangle brings up your Quick select and Nanotech. Letting go instantly makes your Quick Select vanash. But your Nanotech sticks around for about 4 seconds before going. (if you have good memory that is exactly how it was done in R&C1)
here is a good old Nanotech Crate! (Logic shown)
here is Ratchet throwing a Bomb! The Nanotech is there because he was selecting it moments earlier
and here is a normal crate (logic shown)
the order is muked up sorry. But this is Nanotech one the crate is destroyed!
this is my V4 Veldin Toad! (logic shown)
BEHOLD! My… Quck select!
when in the Quck Select if you hold the up directional button the Bomb Glove will come up! Let go of Triangle and you got it!
this is my score giver. It is attached to all my crates and enemies!
this is what being hit looks like
this is a close up on a bolt (logic shown)
And behold the Comet Strike coming in handy! (look carefully to see his wrench has actually passed the enemy, and the enemy is gona blow up in 0.01 seconds)
DONT MESS WITH RATCHET AND HIS BOMB GLOVE…. It looks something like this
a Nanotech Crate before…
…and after
if Ratchet don't need Nanotech, Ratchet won't pick up Nanotech.
…But if he needs it…
he will take it!
Well that's all this time… I will not be posting any more pictures or info until i can get my PS2 going (dog chewed AV chords) and when i am finnished Veldin. I am only up to the part where you find Nanotech for the first time. But now the hard part is done (making logic) now all i gotta do is get Ratchet to Clank and by then it will pobably be online.
Oh and i haven't been working on the Swingshot yet. Spose i will have to face the challenge when i come to it. But i'm sure it won't be all that hard. I mean yea it will be hard. But it won't be like trying to make Nanotech work three days non stop to get that Nanotech system going… THREE! Time well spent
What are the circuit boards for?
Messages: 3875
What are the circuit boards for?
For Ratchet. All the ones that don't have anything saying what they are for are for the Ratchet Sackbot. They are kinda all over the place there You can see they aren't on the Ratchet Sackbot they are on the Controlinator that is on a piece of hologram that follows the Ratchet Sackbot forever! If you die everything gets destroyed and a new one respawns! The Sackbot is controlled with a different controlinator. the controlinator shown just does specia; things like emmiting projectiles (like a spinning wrench for the Comet strike, or a Bomb for the Bomb glove) The remote control Controlinator is on the Ratchet Sackbot Curcuit Board… And that is what they are
Messages: 3875