Thread: Ratchet & Clank: Little Big Planet 2

That's some pretty darn nice work there. But maybe you could make ratchet abit down when he's on 1 nanotech. And i might have something that would give the bomb-glove that RaC 1 Explosion

Yea I was gonna make him quite a sad little Lombax/Sack when he is on his last life, but things are getting… Difficult. Damn Thermometer. I was also gonna make him WEAR weapoons, but thats the same deal. I dunno though? It is a work in progress… Oh and I'd like to see your ideas.

OOh youre a really good creator, thinking about making a a crack in time based series. Got all the costumes, stickered ratchets costume to look like he looks in acit. If you press square and a direction with the left stick he will use his wrench, did a weapon switch thing and i am working on a cutscene.

Oh, and a little Mr zurkon following you and shooting enemies. :oui:

maybe i could send you a friend request so we can do a level together. emoji

or just to play your levels…

haha, sure. I'm nearly done Veldin (but then I've been saying that for a few weeks…emoji I've learnt how to do pro movies now! (i'm makin' them on those normal box like TVs so if someone gotta flatscreen that someone would see a bit more to the left and right! I've also cracked the whole sackbot brain thing, and makin' sackbots do all sorts of stuff is as easy as pi emoji I have updated the first level with just a few things here and there… I do realsise that if I make a level for every checkpoint i'm going well over 20! So I will have to make a new account (probably ratchetruler2 and ratchetruler3 emoji ) I have made a little level that I will publish before Veldin that I may call 'R&C:LBP Update' and in it I will explain that I have hit a wee little problem, stopping me from publishing Veldin! (Music Sequencer) and in it you will be able to see a few things that will be coming into Veldin!

And your task at creating ACiT does seem like a very full on one! In about 2 weeks I will be on in the weekends, I made some cool ACiT stuff a while ago (Clank's Subconscious floor! Sure it ain't the greatest imaginable, but I tell ya, it does the trick!

Deleted user

Looks real awesome! I havent seen much progress in a long time, so this is good to see after quite some time XD

My BF has Little Big Planet 2, so yeah… should be fun to try this out someday. Keep up the good work for now, nonetheless :oui:

Looks real awesome! I havent seen much progress in a long time, so this is good to see after quite some time XD

My BF has Little Big Planet 2, so yeah… should be fun to try this out someday. Keep up the good work for now, nonetheless :oui:

Yea I pretty much stopped creating my levels when my dad said "We will never ever EVER get broadband!" Then I figured out my mum had it, and I could just bring my PS3 'round there, and BOOM back into creating epic awesomeness! (however these robots… They are hard!)

I'm pretty sure it is now safe to play with more than one person! (however when Veldin is out I recomend you go solo (level link)

Well, the time has come! Veldin is there and waiting to be played (play through Ratchet & Clank: LittleBig Problem to get to it, or simply just Veldin)

This stops at the point where you encounter the first Tesla Robot, because the Thermo had overheated. But don't worry, in the future that point will be a level link! Hope you all like it!

STRICTLY ONE PLAYER! It will not work with two, three, or four.

UPDATE: OK it CAN be played with more than one player… But it doesn't play as well as solo, can't wait 'till the move pack is out, I will be able to set it to 1 emoji AND I found a cool as guy who said he would love to make the music for planet Veldin! But he has never played Ratchet & Clank before, and doesn't exactly know what it sounds like (well I assume that) So I ave him a link to the track on this epic website emoji

I found your level a while ago with the help of emoji

I think i am not going to do the R&C level, cause i am working on 2100, a sci fi alien adventure, and its going to be AWESOMEemoji

And i have my old Series called Robot lab, wich i started in Lbp1 and will end in Lbp1, even if i have Lbp2, for persons having Lbp1 but not 2 emoji . I am working on the last level, and creating my second Boss.

Then i have my horror level wich ive started in lbp1 but updated it to Lbp2 standart.

well, i think you will know what i mean, too much stuff already started..

oh and check out Robot lab if you want emoji
Dont think that im still creating like in Robot lab 1, ive improved ALOT wich you can see in RL3

By the way, when i played the level, there was the savannah music, didnt you say you found a guy who could do the Veldin soundtrack? Just wondering..emoji

Yea I found a guy, but I couldn't wait to publish it, so I just wen't out and got the level on the net as soon as I could (well half of it) The guy who is going to do it will take a while, because he is busy on his own project, but expect a cool ammo and Nanotech (looks) update this weekend… Unfortunately part 2 might take some time, you can't rush perfection… Anyway I will be sure to check out your levels this weekend! emoji

Well, the time has come! Veldin is there and waiting to be played (play through Ratchet & Clank: LittleBig Problem to get to it, or simply just Veldin)

It's good! Really mirrors the first segment of the level in the actual game!
I did encounter one minor glitch though, if the player is on one hitpoint, Ratchet's face goes sad (like in the game), if the player then equips the bomb glove, his face goes back to normal (not too bad), but if the player then picks up nanotech, even though the character now has two hitpoints, Ratchet's face goes back to sad…
It's not too bothersome, but if can find a way to fix it, I'd be (even more) impressed!
Other than that, it's perfect! emoji

I did encounter one minor glitch though, if the player is on one hitpoint, Ratchet's face goes sad (like in the game), if the player then equips the bomb glove, his face goes back to normal (not too bad), but if the player then picks up nanotech, even though the character now has two hitpoints, Ratchet's face goes back to sad…
It's not too bothersome, but if can find a way to fix it, I'd be (even more) impressed!
Other than that, it's perfect! emoji

Yes I know what you mean, and while I'm absolutely positive I could find a cure, I see this as a minor problem and might come back to fixing it later (thanks for the feedback emoji ) ATM the level is being overstuffed with logic and I am struggling to do tasks as simpe as moving Nanotech! Yea things are breaking everywhere in the level, and all new logic that I introduce has a 25% chance of working? Unless it is NOT on a curcuit board? I have a few plans to get Nanotech to work better though. There have been many problems, and I am constantly trying to fix all of the bg glitches (like incapacitated Horny Toads, ATM the count is 1 emoji And it is at the start, so no big problem there!)

Maybe you could use a little help emoji
I think i could do a few soundtracks too, i think ill start with novalis or something.
Just let me know if theres a job for meemoji

Oh, and i see a upcoming problem for you…
how do you make the ratchet-sackbot swim?
They are`nt water proof, they just simply die when they get wet….emoji

Maybe you could use a little help emoji
I think i could do a few soundtracks too, i think ill start with novalis or something.
Just let me know if theres a job for meemoji

Oh, and i see a upcoming problem for you…
how do you make the ratchet-sackbot swim?
They are`nt water proof, they just simply die when they get wet….emoji

Well help would be greatly apretiated, but ATM Veldin is stable, and I would love some music, perhaps you could try make a Novalis track? (I recommend you start AFTER the move pack, because you will have more to play with emoji )

Oh I have been fearing that for ages! I know how to make a waterproof sackbot, but they don't move emoji I think I have some Idea on how I'm gonna do it, but as you will have heard from almost every developer water is one of the hardest things to re-create, I'm gonna have to make my own water. It will be hard, but when the time comes I will be ready to face the challenge (I takle all the challenges when I come to them. But I do a lot of thinking)

Oh and how do I change the name of this thread? I wan't it to say

Ratchet & Clank: LittleBig Problem

And I can't do that? I know mods can… Tipsy? Please?

Well, i think a feew should be able without the move pack.
And i dont have a move controller emoji
So, i think you have to get one before you can buy it, then, another problem.. i think i dont have enough money for the pack, unless its under 7 Euros…
I have to decide… move controller or more money… huummm

ill start with the Novalis - Tobruk crater soundtrack emoji

Oh, and would you let me create the amoeboid enemies? PLEEEASEE??emoji$

And the waterproof sackbot.. how about attaching a advanced mover? And how did you do them waterproof emoji

I got the move pack emoji
Well, using the advanced mover is freaking easyemoji : Connect an output 100-/100+(Like splitters or the Up/down Right/left inputs of a controllinator/movinator)
emojiU/D R/L out puts are the D-Pad (directionals arrows) Or L3-R3 (Left stick-Right stick)in the controllinatoremoji

If you didn't understand emoji add me as friend and i'll show you how emoji